Thursday, October 28, 2010

Photo Walk with Nick

So a year and a half ago when my friend Nick and I went on a photo walk in Boston I really enjoyed it and said I was going to make sure to do it again soon. Since Nick lives in Texas I had to wait until he came back to Boston for a visit.
Happily since then I've upgraded my camera from a rebel to a 7D so it was fun to play with it.

This time we went for something a little different than the city. We did a drive around Cape Ann; the 127 loop through Gloucester and Rockport. The ocean was everywhere we looked and all of the cool nautical artifacts were so nice to photograph.

This shot was taken in the Annisquam village of Gloucester behind the church where my husband and I got married in 2001. I had never driven down the road but I had a feeling we would find some pretty things. This was a pedestrian bridge across a river.


We had stopped on the side of the road to photograph a barn and passed by a granite post with this chain on top of it. We both got cool shots of it.

Once into Rockport we stopped in a small port where there were a ton of lobster pots stored.

This was part of the marsh that lead into the ocean.

I had fun with this photo in photoshop. I just wanted to wreck it. I must have used 15 different actions on it.


Then we made a quick stop at Motif #1. I've never photographed it from this angle before.

The Twin Lighthouses and some surfers.

We ended our tour at Good Harbor Beach. Since the summer crowd was gone and it was a bit chilly that day there were tons of dogs running around. Gotta love doggie footprints in the sand.

Hopefully it won't be another year and a half before we do this again!

Here is a link to the rest of the images including the unedited versions of the ones above.

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